Friday, October 7, 2016

Day 10 Continues: From The Beginning...

Let me tell you all about The Blind Date Show.
Coco & I were watching The Blind Date Show on TV and at the end of the episode they showed a phone number and said to call the show if you were single.
I don't think I have ever known Coco single, she was always with Stacey but they started out as just friends and it blossomed from there.
Okay let me not get of track here.
Coco and I called and got invited for a casting call.
We both went and I don't know why but they picked me to be on one of their episodes.
They paid $100.- and came to my house with a camera crew and "my Blind Date"
Andy was/is his name and he was/is a doctor going through his residency.
An Oral Surgeon to be exact.
We hit it off!
We chit chatted at my house outside in my backyard while the cameras where rolling.
They had given us a shot of a liquor of our choice because we were both very nervous prior to the taping.
Then we went to a nearby park and played a game called "operation" hahaha it was fun!
After that we all went to The Stinking Rose Restaurant on La Cienega in LA where they taped us having dinner and chatting some more.
Andy dropped me off at the end of the night at my house and believe it or not we ended up dating for a while after this. I don't remember how long maybe 6 months to a year.
He was always busy with work and he was/is Persian and at the end of the day his family really wanted him to marry a Persian girl and he supported that.
So it is what it is.
I did like/love him but I moved on.
Back to the dating drawing board.
......To Be Continued.....

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