Dreams really do come true, if you write them down as they've already happened.
Expressing gratitude for things we desire takes away our fears and worries about never having them.
There are so many ways to journal.
You can buy a fancy smancy journal and just start writing.
Personally that didn't really work for me.
I needed some more guidance.
I guess I am a slow learner but once I get going I usually keep going.
Slow and steady.
I found the perfect app on my phone called The Five Minute Journal.
It reminds me twice daily to write in the morning and at night.
In the morning you start out by writing down what you are grateful for.
Next your write down what you will do that day to make it a Fabulous day.
You finish by filling out your daily affirmation.
Then at the end of that day you share 3 amazing things that happened that day.
Completing it by saying how you could have made that day even better.
On top of all this you get a daily quote which you can share with others if you feel they need a little sunshine in their day.
Make this a habit and get very specific.
The world as you have created it, is a process of your thinking.
It can not be changed without changing your thinking.
When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.
Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = Radical Difference.
You are in competition with no one.
You don't have to play the game better than anyone.
You are just simply trying to be a better person than you were yesterday.
Don't forget YOU are the only YOU there is and will ever be.
Don't deny the world it's one and only chance to bask in your brilliance.
......To Be Continued.....
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