Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Day 58: From the beginning...Holland trip back to the USA

Okay, this may sound weird to you, but I pretty much skipped like a little girl (you know like you do when you are a happy) that day when I traveled back home to sunny California.
Yes it was going to be a very long day of flying and on a few different planes but I didn't care how I was getting there as long as I was getting there.
I have lived in Holland half of my life and the other half in America, so I think I can honestly judge.
To top that off, I have lived in Egypt, Italy, Hungary and traveled all over the world.
As a Flight attendant and as a model for TV commercials.
My road wasn't easy.
I've lived Illegally in America and I have been deported and paid the price for that big mistake by being on a Black list for over 3 years. (meaning I was not allowed in America).
Later in life when I made it back into The USA, I eventually got married to my first soulmate who passed away 7 years later at 42 years young.
One day he went to work and told me that morning how much he loved me and didn't come home that night.
A few years after that I met my 2nd soulmate, who is my amazing 2nd hubby John.

So, traveling back from Holland to my 2 loves, The USA and my John was and is always special to me.
After the long line of 1 hr and a half through security, I had to make my way to the gate where my plane was going to take off from.
Of course the gate was the furthest gate possible and after security I wasn't in the best mood because security officers are never a ray of sunshine.
I was pretty much cursing under my breath while making my way through the airport to my gate.
When I finally arrived at my gate I asked a gate agent if I was in the right spot for (I gave him my flight destination), and of course he answered short and grumpy.
I asked him where the bathroom was and he told me twice angrily. 
So, you see The Dutchies can be grumpy too. It is not just the American airport personnel.
......To be continued....

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